Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Updates and Downloads
Firmware updates and downloads for the latest bug fixes and feature updates for the Paralenz Dive Camera

Please follow Instructions below to install the firmware successfully:
1. Download the latest firmware on your computer
2. Copy the file firmware.bin (it cannot say firmware(1).bin etc.) onto a SD-card (Not in a folder) - make sure the SD card is empty and formatted!
3. Make sure the battery has at least 30% power left. Otherwise the firmware can be interrupted and camera will require a revive (instruction).
4. Turn off the camera. Insert the SD-card into the slot
5. Turn the camera on until you see the logo and wait for it to turn off automatically. (The camera is now downloading the new firmware)
If the camera does not start installing the firmware, please try inserting the SD-card after turning on the camera. If successful the camera should display "Updating" and will shut off after automatically when done. Otherwise please click the SD card in and out few times until the update starts (might take around 10 tries).
6. Turn the camera on again and wait for it to turn off automatically
(The camera is now installing the firmware)
7. The camera is now ready with the newest firmware installed. The firmware.bin file will no longer be visible on the SD-card after the installation.
Changelog version 1.5.4 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- Settings reset after turning off and on again
- Settings reset after 1 hour of recording
- Auto-shutdown after an hour if camera is inactive
Changelog version 1.5.3 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- Bug fixes:
Splitting videos - less than 10 mins - corrupting second file
- New UI design in Power, Video and Snap mode
Changelog version 1.4.7 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - Bug fixes in overlay and AE
- - Optimized AWB
Changelog version 1.4.5 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - Optimized code
- - Bug fixes
- - Optimized WB Auto and EIS
Changelog version 1.4.2 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - Performance enhancements
- - Fixed the over exposure problem;
Changelog version 1.3.8 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - Bug fixes
Changelog version 1.3.4 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - New simplified interface added to power mode
- - Fixed bugs in burst mode and flip screen featurs
- - Updated log format
- - Snap mode will now start recording after holding the activation switch one second, and record at least 3 seconds.
Changelog version 1.3.2 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - Bug fixes
- - Added WB 5600K
- - Optimization of the DCC Blue to prevent "purple haze" at larger depths.
- Autorecord:
- - Added setting to chose at what depth to start recording. Found in Settings->Auto rec
- - Auto record will now continue to record 20 seconds after surfacing.
- - If the activation switch is used to make a tag during a Auto Record the camera will continue recording even after surfacing.
Changelog version 1.3.0 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- - Bug fixes
- - Optimized connection to the Dive App.
Changelog version 1.2.9 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- – Bug fixes
- – EIS – Electronic image stabilization
- - RAW photos are now available with the THIS GUIDE
Changelog version 1.2.6 Paralenz Dive Action Camera Firmware Update
- – Bug fixes
- – New settings menu layout
- – New auto record mode: Automatically start recording in video mode, when depth is larger than 1 meter. When the depth is less than 1 meter the recording will stop after 10 seconds. Especially designed for spearfishing/freediving.
- – Fixed auto WB shifting constanly underwater
- – New vibration feedback pattern for modes and recording
- – Settings added to turn off auto off function
- – Optimzed DCC to get better results at larger depths
- – Home screen adjustments: See current active WB/DCC setting
- – Manual time/date settings added.