Complete List of Action Camera Gimbals
Here we have a complete and growing list of all action camera gimbals available on the market today.
You can sort the features in the table to see which are the lightest, cheapest, have the biggest payloads, etc. Or you can also head to the one of a kind camera gimbal discovery tool which has over 30 camera gimbals that you can filter and sort to your hearts content to find a gimbal based on specific requirements you have.
What Action Cameras Can I Use In A Gimbal
The good thing about action cameras is that most come in similar sizes and shapes so that you can fit a GoPro action cameras, as well as SJCam, DJI, Insta360 and other action camera manufacturer models in nearly all of the gimbals in the table below.
Each and every action camera gimbal will have a max size and shape that they fit so you can check to make sure before you buy.
You'll also find some action camera gimbals are multi-camera gimbals which not only fit action cameras, but fit smartphones, small compact cameras and even small mirrorless cameras too (depending on the lenses attached).
If you have a different shaped and non-regular formed action camera, like the Sony FDR X3000 and similar action cameras, you might find that you'll either be able to fit it with a mount, you'll have to buy a specific camera gimbal for that action camera shape or you won't be able to fit it, but you will have less options than a small brick shaped action camera like the GoPro range.
How Much Do Action Camera Gimbals Cost
Below in the table of available action camera gimbals there is a column called price and you can sort that to find the cheapest action camera gimbals available today.
The nearly 20 gimbals have a price range from $80 all the way up to $279. The cheapest action camera gimbals start at a similar price and go up to about $169 for the most expensive.
With the multi-camera gimbals which work with more than just action cameras being the more expensive of the gimbals available.
How Long Do Action Camera Gimbal Batteries Last
How long you can use an action camera gimbal for is one of the biggest concerns when looking for a new gimbal and below you can see a full list of gimbals and their battery life.
The shortest battery life is 2 hours (120 minutes) and this is for the GoPro Karma Grip, with most action camera gimbals able to last at least 5 hours (300 minutes), if not longer on one charge.
There are also a number of action camera gimbals with battery life that can last double that, over 10 hours from one charge. With the feature of being able to even charge the action camera on the gimbal whilst both are in use.
This is one of the best features of gimbals, after making smooth and pleasing footage, they can also be used as a powerbank to charge your action camera whilst in use. This means your 1-2 hour battery on your action camera can now be extended and used for multiple hours, as long as the gimbal is fully charged and has this feature.
How Long To Charge Action Camera Gimbals
You've probably found yourself ready for a shoot, only to realise the gimbal is low on battery or the camera is low on battery and you have to either swap it out or do a quick charge.
Below you can see the times it takes to charge all of the action camera gimbals and work out what is best for you.
The action camera gimbal that charges the quickest does so in about 1 hour, with most action camera gimbals charging in approximately 2 hours (120 minutes).
There are some models which take longer to charge, but these also have longer battery lives as well, with them taking 3+ hours to fully charge from flat.
What Payload Do Action Camera Gimbals Have
Most action camera gimbals will accept most action cameras, but it's good to check that the action camera you have is not too heavy to work with the gimbals.
Most have a payload and max weight of 135grams, which is fine for most action cameras.
With the largest payload being 1.2kg (1200grams) with the Fieyu Tech G6 Max which accepts not just action cameras but larger cameras like mirrorless and compact cameras too.
How Much Do Action Camera Gimbals Weigh
Your main requirement might be to have the lightest action camera gimbal possible, the last thing you'll want to do is carry around the gimbal all day when not in use or find that you are using it for many minutes filming and your arms can tire quickly.
Because one of the advantages of using an action camera, is that it is lightweight, you'll want to keep the weight of both pieces of equipment down and using the table below you can see which action camera gimbals are the lightest.
The lightest action camera gimbal weighs in at just over 200grams, this is a wearable gimbal, which doesn't have the arm to hold and must be worn or placed on a tripod or surface and is hard to carry around, but this is how it saves the weight.
Most are about 300-400grams in weight and accept GoPros and other mainstream action cameras and are easy to fit and start filming.
The heaviest options are those of the multi-camera gimbals which come in at over double the weight of the lighter choices at about 650-700grams.
If weight is of concern to you, hopefully the table below will help you decide what will and wont work with your specific needs.