Camera Drones with the Highest Video Bitrate

Camera Drones with the Highest Video Bitrate

If you want quality, one feature and camera drone specification you're going to have to look at, is video bitrate and in this article we look at all of the photography drones on the market today and which have the biggest video bitrates when recording aerial film footage from the skies.

We get all of our data from our own drone comparison tool where you can see which camera drones have the highest bitrate as well as many other specific features that can be compared.

For those that don't know, bitrate is literally the amount of information that is saved per second when recording a video to a file or your sd card in the drone. The higher the bitrate, the bigger the files and more information that is recorded.

This rings true for drones with cameras that have higher bitrates when comparing it to drones with cameras which have much lower bitrates, but you might struggle to see the difference bettwen cameras with 60 and 100mbps bitrate.

To understand this betteer, if you are to upload footage to Youtube, which is compressed and highly manipulated as it's processed on their servers, you might not notice a difference in quality between 2560 x 1440p and 1920 x 1080p if you recorded the exact same clips with the same hardware, software and cameras and uploaded it at the same time.

We believe that Youtube process and even downscale the footage you record and upload. For instance, when we record in 1080p at 60fps on our drones and camera equipment, we get between 30 and 55mbps bitrate. According to Youtube here, they will convert this to about 15 Mbps. We could create an entire article about this, but for now we'll stick to which drones have the highest bitrates.

As you may be recording for film, Vimeo, or embedding footage on your own website or other video service which caters for higher quality video.

You will though have larger file sizes to deal with if recording in this higher resolution.

You will find that the highest bitrates obviously come with recording in higher resolutions, so if all of the drone cameras record in 4K, you will be able to compare which camera drones record higher bitrates as other film making drones, but are recording in the same 4K video resolution of 3560 x 2880px.


is one of the best camera drones with the highest video bitrate, at

200 Mbps

Camera Drones with the Highest Bitrate

Here are a complete list of camera drones for aerial photography and film making which are ordered by those with the highest video bitrate at the top and then in descending order.

If you are looking for the highest video bitrate and quality you can get in a drone which has a high bitrate option, here are the options.

DJI Mavic Air 2 Has the Highest Bitrate of Any Camera Drone

The DJI Mavic Air 2 which is new for the year 2020 has the highest bitrate of any drone on the market today, but one, the Autel Evo II 8K.

This is the highest bitrate the camera drone is capable of which means that this bitrate might be more than that available for the Autel as it records in 8K footage too.

It doesn't have the biggest image sensor, at 1/2", but is looking like a very promising option when it comes to aerial photography and film making capabilities.

Autel Evo II 8K Drone has the Highest Video Bitrate of Any Film Making Drone

Joint first place, the Autel Evo II 8K also comes with a 120Mbps option when recording video footage. This is recorded at 8K which also makes it one of the drones with the biggest video resolution for recording.

After the DJI Mavic Air 2 and the Autel Evo II, there are 11 camera drones which are all capable of 100 Mbps when recording high definition video.

Camera Drones Capable of 100 Mbps Video Recording

If you're looking for a drone which has a high level of video recording with a high bitrate, you have 11 options after the DJI Mavic Air 2 and the Autel Evo II.

These camera drones are:

  • Yuneec Mantis Q can record up to 100 Mbps in it's highest setting
  • DJI Mavic Air can record 4k at 100 Mbps
  • Autel Evo has 100 mbps video recording option
  • Parrot Anafi can do video at a max bitrate of 100 Mbps
  • Xiaomi Fimi X8 SE can record at 4K with a bitrate of 100 Mbps
  • Skydio 2 will let you record at up to 100 Mbps
  • Hubsan Zino 2 also has 100 mbps video bitrate
  • DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2 has a bitrate of up to 100 mbps
  • DJI Mavic 2 Pro is one of the most professional portable film making drones and has bitrates of up to 100 mbps
  • DJI Mavic 2 Zoom is the same camera and sensor but has a zoom and also does 100 mbps
  • Xiaomi Fimi X8 SE 2020 is a new camera drone for 2020 and can record up to 100 mbps as well
image Title Buy Max Bitrate
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dji fpv camera drone DJI FPV Camera Drone 120 Mbps
dji mavic air 2 camera drone DJI Mavic Air 2 Drone Specs 120 Mbps
autel evo ii 8k camera drone Autel Evo II 8K Drone Specs 120 Mbps
dji phantom 4 pro v2 camera drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2 Specs 100 Mbps
fimi x8 mini 2021 camera drone Fimi X8 Mini Pro Camera Drone 100 Mbps
dji mavic 2 pro camera drone DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone Specs 100 Mbps
dji mavic 2 zoom camera drone DJI Mavic 2 Zoom Drone Specs 100 Mbps
xioami fimi x8 se 2020 camera drone Xiaomi Fimi X8 SE 2020 Drone Specs 100 Mbps
hubsan zino mini se camera drone Hubsan Zino Mini SE Camera Drone Specs 100 Mbps
yuneec mantis q camera drone Yuneec Mantis Q Drone Specs 100 Mbps
fimi x8 se 2022 camera drone Fimi X8 SE 2022 Camera Drone Specs and Features 100 Mbps
dji mavic air camera drone DJI Mavic Air Drone Specs 100 Mbps
autel evo drone Autel Evo Drone Specs 100 Mbps
parrot anafi drone Parrot Anafi Drone Specs 100 Mbps
xiaomi fimi x8 se drone Xiaomi Fimi X8 SE Drone Specs 100 Mbps
skydio 2 camera drone Skydio 2 Drone Specs 100 Mbps
DJI Mini 2 camera drone DJI Mini 2 Camera Drone Specs 100 Mbps
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swellpro spry+ sports camera waterproof drone Swellpro Spry+ Waterproof Camera Drone 64 Mbps
dji mavic pro platinum drone DJI Mavic Pro Platinum Drone 60 Mbps
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